
China-Africa Trade Expo in Kenya | Forging a Bright Future Together

On May 9th, local time in Kenya, the China-Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference and the Kenya International Investment Conference were held at the Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. 

The China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (Kenya Special) was jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest). Themed "China-Africa Hand in Hand, Creating a Better Future Together," the event was held in the format of "1+3+1," comprising one opening ceremony, the China-Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference, and the Kenya International Investment Conference. The event featured participation from 212 exhibitors from both domestic and international companies, making it the largest exhibition held by China in Africa.

Cao Zhiqiang, Deputy Governor of Hunan Province emphasized that Hunan attaches great importance to economic and trade cooperation with Africa. The province is leveraging the two major national-level platforms, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo and the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, as focal points to innovate models of economic and trade cooperation with Africa. These efforts aim to create an innovative zone for economic and trade cooperation, a leading area for deepening cooperation, a hub for industrial chain cooperation, and a "meeting room" for economic and trade exchanges with Africa. Hunan will actively implement the Belt and Road Initiative, pragmatically align with initiatives from the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, continuously deepen economic and trade exchanges, and enhance cultural interactions with Africa, contributing to the construction of a high-level Sino-African community with a shared future.

During the promotion, Shen Yumou, Director of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province, expressed that in recent years, Hunan has combined its unique conditions and early advantages with the natural endowments of Africa, continuously expanding channels and platforms for trade and economic cooperation with Africa. As a result, it has become one of the most active provinces in China in terms of trade cooperation with Africa. Both Hunan and African countries have benefited from the growing bilateral trade and investment, ushering in an unprecedented "golden age" of cooperation between the two. He expressed anticipation for strengthening economic and trade cooperation with African enterprises, achieving mutual benefit through industrial integration, mutual reciprocity through institutional innovation, and promoting mutual learning through cultural exchanges.

During his visit to the Wasion booth, Cao Zhiqiang highly praised Wasion's technological research and achievements. He also expressed concern about the company's situation in Africa, hoping that it would deepen its cooperation with the region to contribute to local public utility construction.

Since the inception of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, Wasion has participated as an exhibitor for four consecutive years, engaging deeply in forums, exhibitions, and receptions. At this event, Wasion showcased its latest and most representative energy products and solutions designed to meet the demands of the African market. During the event, Wasion leveraged the expo as a bridge and link for international exchanges and cooperation, enhancing understanding and trust with partners and customers in Africa. The company aims to leverage its technology and products to support Africa in building a new energy system.

Wasion has been deeply involved in the African market for over twenty years and established a production manufacturing center in Tanzania in 2018. Wasion customized the aMeter series of electricity meter products for the African market, adding prepaid functionality. The company plans to provide smart meter reading and online recharging services for over 6 million users, meeting the demand of power companies for timely collection of electricity fees. Additionally, Wasion provides improvements in line loss by identifying transmission line locations, reducing electricity theft risks, and thereby lowering operating costs and expenditures for power companies.

In the field of smart water management, the company introduced intelligent ultrasonic water meters and water meter retrofit solutions, breaking the market monopoly of local European and American manufacturers and gaining recognition in markets such as West Africa, South Africa, Comoros, and Ghana.

In terms of energy storage, Wasion offers switchgear, commercial and industrial energy storage systems, household energy storage systems, and charging and discharging cabinets, enhancing power supply stability and helping African regions reduce their reliance on coal.

Looking ahead, guided by the strategy of "internationalization of thinking, organization, and strategy," Wasion will continue to focus on key African countries. Through a strategic layout of "starting from a point and expanding to a surface," it will gradually expand into the entire African market to meet the growing demands of customers in the region. Wasion will uphold the simultaneous output of product technology and the image of Chinese enterprises, bringing Chinese intelligent manufacturing and high-quality products to a broader international market.

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